Re: [Easytag-mailing] Window size oddity is common?

Jérôme COUDERC wrote:
It is quite strange... and I've never heard such problem before. Under Fedora 8, there is no problem to maximize to 1680x1050...

I upgraded to Fedora 8 GNU/Linux and now I'm using:

Version     : 2.1
Release     : 3.fc8

which I got from Fedora 8's repository.

Try resizing your screen to 1024x768 and then playing with the EasyTag window size. When I:

- run EasyTag for Fedora 8
- resize the screen to 1024x768
- resize the EasyTag window horizontally so it fits on the screen with plenty of room to spare

I can't maximize the window with the maximize window button (upper right corner, middle button). The window chops itself off on the right edge and stays at whatever size I've left it at. The left edge is oddly displayed as well, but it comes right back to normal when I unmaximize the window. The left edge oddness doesn't interfere with use of the program from what I can tell.

Also the minimum vertical size is too big to fit on this screen even though there's no good reason for that (the log can shrink or become completely hidden to make the necessary minimum height).

What are the values for "main_window_height" and "main_window_width" variables in the .eastrag/easytagrc file?

$ grep -i main_window ~/.easytag/easytagrc

My panel at the top of the screen is set to 30 pixels. I figure there's a 1 pixel border somewhere up there making the y coordinate 31.

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