Re: [Easytag-mailing] ET 1.99.11 problems with FLAC + patch


Mark Ferry wrote, the 10.01.2006 19:38 :

Hi Mihai
Mihai Badila wrote:

2. The COMMENT var. actually writes "DESCRIPTION=" in the .flac file. and doesn't recognize the "COMMENT=" writen in the .flac with the Winamp FLAC
plugin 1.1.2.

Short answer: Not a bug.

Long answer:
As I see it, there are two reasons why Easytag writes DESCRIPTION instead of COMMENT:
  1. COMMENT isn't on the basic recommended fields list
  2. XMMS (the unix WinAmp) flac-plugin reads DESCRIPTION tags

[ Jérôme? That sound about right? ]

You are right. The string DESCRIPTION is used as recommended for the comment.

But this remind me a same problem for ogg file (it is why the option "Ogg Vorbis File : Write also the comment to the XMMS format" exists). And the comment in Ogg Vorbis file is written using COMMENT instead of DESCRIPTION... So I'm quite confused... and don't know which version is right


EasyTAG - Tag editor for MP3 and Ogg Vorbis files
Jerome COUDERC <easytag gmail com>

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