Re: [Easytag-mailing] file processing...

Hi Dobrescu! Well, I don't agree with you. As a user used to Media Tagger 
(which i had been using for almost one year before switching to linux) i have 
to say I like the behaviour of easytag when it comes to process (mass 
modification of) files. An easytag is even more logical than other tag 
editing tools. For instance, every atribute of the file (ie. file name, title 
tag, etc) is in the right side of the program, and, thinking in this way, 
everything should be applied at once (that's what "save files" do).

Like media tagger (for windows), i know of other programs that separate the 
process of mass editing and tag editing, but i prefer the easytag way. As of 
the GUI, i have already suggested to having  the processor inside the main 
window of the program.

Thanks for your opinion, and have fun using this program!

On Thursday 21 December 2006 12:42, Dobrescu Mihai wrote:
> Hello,
> First I want to say it is a great thing to have such a powerful free tool.
> But....
> I dislike the 'resolution' of the operations.
> I'd like to have separate tag processing than filename processing.
> I was really confused when I tried to apply a filename mask (like %n - %t)
> to files of one folder. I was looking for half of an hour for how to rename
> the files. I think to be more consistent as GUI, to process file reaming in
> a way similar to the folder renaming. I think it is closer than tag
> changing. To be short, I think is more natural to select the files and to
> rename them by a command (walking through the mask setting) like 'Rename'
> or 'Apply mask' and not 'Save Files'.
> I am also confused by the sub-folders handling.
> I like the tag&rename way, when they add a tree-like structure when
> scanning sub-folders. This makes clear where the processed files are.
> What do you think?
> Best Regards,
> Mihai Sorin Dobrescu
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