[Easytag-mailing] file processing...


First I want to say it is a great thing to have such a powerful free tool.
I dislike the 'resolution' of the operations.
I'd like to have separate tag processing than filename processing.
I was really confused when I tried to apply a filename mask (like %n - %t) to files of one folder. I was looking for half of an hour for how to rename the files. I think to be more consistent as GUI, to process file reaming in a way similar to the folder renaming. I think it is closer than tag changing. To be short, I think is more natural to select the files and to rename them by a command (walking through the mask setting) like 'Rename' or 'Apply mask' and not 'Save Files'.

I am also confused by the sub-folders handling.
I like the tag&rename way, when they add a tree-like structure when scanning sub-folders. This makes clear where the processed files are.

What do you think?
Best Regards,
Mihai Sorin Dobrescu

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