[Easytag-mailing] Libid3tag instead of buggy id3lib

Hi, all

   Easytag uses id3lib library which does not develop for a long time. This
library works only with id3v2.3 tags and besides contains many bugs. As many
modern programs use id3 v2.4 tags, I have decided to try to rewrite tag 
processing in Easytag using lid3tag (http://www.underbit.com/products/mad/). 
   I have chosen this library as it is written completly on C, it is small, fast, 
supports all versions of id3 tags, and have very good interface.
   I have tried to keep all available functionality of Easytag. But now it is reads
all v1 and v2 tags of any version. Another major differences is that Easytag 
with libid3tag writes id3v2.4 tags instead of id3v2.3. Also it is possible to use 
UTF-8 unicode for writing, and to use crc32 and compression in tags.
   I know, that the author had plans on use of taglib library. But I do not know 
as this idea is realized.  In any case I proposed the given patch as an 
alternative to taglib.
   The patch for the Easytag 1.99.12 is there: http://mirror.orionet.ru/shmool/easytag-1.99.12-libid3tag.patch.gz

PS: You should execute autoheader && aclocal && autoconf && automake 
after patching.

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