Re: [Easytag-mailing] comments & suggestions

On Sun, Apr 07, 2002 at 01:57:18PM -0400, Mark T. Valites wrote:
> In all versions I have tried, once in a while I come across a file that 
> simply refuses to accept changes to certain tags.  When attempting to 
> save the changes, the program becomes unresponsive, and the machine 
> sucks up CPU till I get an "out of memory" error & the program quits.  
> Any idea what could cause this?  I can forward on a couple files that 
> cause this to happen if it would help.

Maybe id3lib is causing this.  I had frequent segfaults when using
id3lib 3.7.13.  Apparently there's a bug in the library that makes it
freak out on certain kinds of tags.  I recompiled with id3lib 3.8.0
instead and it worked fine.
I don't know which version of id3lib the RPM relies on, but you may want
to check this.

> There's no "About", "Version", or "Information" pull down menu - these 
> would be helpful for finding the version number or contact information.

Have a look at the "Info" item in the Help menu.  Or run "easytag -v"
at the prompt.

I'll leave the rest of the remarks to others :)

Björn Olievier

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