0-byte recordings


I've just installed Linux Mint 13 on a machine with a Hauppauge Nova-T 500 DVB TV card. The machine itself was previously a Mythtv server and worked well for years but now I'm re-purposing it as a desktop. I'd still like to play and record TV programs from it occasionally and I'm trying to use gnome-dvb-daemon for this.

I've set up the device itself and am able to scan the channels successfully. I can use the device with mplayer and vlc without any problems. However when I try to use gnome-dvb-control to schedule a recording, I can see the channels and the EPG, I can add a schedule and at the correct time it creates a subdirectory under $HOME/Videos/Recordings/{CHANNEL}/{DATE-TIME} and it appears to be recording but there's just a 0-byte file:

paul@pmdesk ~/Videos/Recordings/ITV1/2012-5-26_11-26 $ ls -l
total 4
-rw-r--r-- 1 paul paul   0 May 26 11:26 001.mpeg
-rw-r--r-- 1 paul paul 228 May 26 11:32 info.rec

Similarly when I try to use totem with the gnome-dvb plugin to view TV it gives me an error "location not found".

It looks like some sort of permissions issue but I have all the permissions I need when running vlc or mplayer.

The version is 0.27-2.

Any ideas?


Paul Mason

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