Re: Gnome-dvb-setup appears to freeze while scanning for channels

Am 29.05.2010 22:26, schrieb John Robinson:
Hi everyone.  I'm attempting to scan for channels using Gnome-dvb-setup
with a Hauppauge USB TV stick under Ubuntu Lucid on a 64-bit system. I
live in the UK and the antenna nearest to me is Winter Hill. I select
these in Gnome-dvb-setup and click 'Forward'. The channel scanning
process begins, but appears to freeze when the progress bar reaches
about 80%. When I repeat the process but select 'Unknown' for the
antenna, scanning takes much longer, but the process appears to freeze
when the progress bar reaches about 21%. Has anyone solved this problem
and, if so, how? I have considered creating a channels.conf file using
w_scan, but am unsure where I need to put this file so that
Gnome-dvb-daemon will recognise it. If anyone can offer any advice on
this, I'd very much appreciate it.

Hi John,

could you please provide debug output of the scan by starting the daemon with "gnome-dvb-daemon --debug"

If you want to use a custom channels.conf have a look at

Sebastian Pölsterl

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