Drafts - Saving and Opening

I apologize if this question has been asked before, but the mailing list
archive search has been disabled, and going back a year did not reveal the

I just installed drivel 2.0.3. I started a journal entry, saved a draft
using Ctl+S, and saved the draft in my home folder. Then I remembered one
other thing I wanted to put in the draft, and tried to reopen the draft
using drivel. I got the error

The file "file:///home/adrienne/memery" does not appear to be a valid draft.

It was a Livejournal entry, with a security setting of friends only and I
chose an icon other than my default. I can open the file with a text
editor, so if there are any other questions about it, I can post meta
information, but I'm not really interested in posting the whole thing.

Can someone tell me how to correctly save a draft so I can re-open it in
the future? Can someone tell me how to edit this currently saved draft so
I can work with it in drivel? Thanks for any help.

Age cannot wither her,
nor custom stale her infinite variety
-Act II, Scene ii, Anthony & Cleopatra, Shakespeare

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