Feedback on users/vinagre/3.22/


I am using Gnome3, and I want to set up a connection to a remote desktop.
I read vinagre's documentation but could not find information about how
to setup the remote desktop service on the remote machine.  I know that
vinagre is only a client, but a link or a reference to some
documentation about how to setup the remote desktop on the server side
would be much appreciated.

Hope it helps,
Thank you very much!

[Citation aléatoire]
Le bras antique grinça lorsqu'il le tendit pour servir une autre
chope.  C'était une prothèse militaire russe, un manipulateur à sept
degrés de liberté et rétroaction sensorielle, sous une enveloppe de
plastique rose sale.
-+- William Gibson, Neuromancien -+-

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