Re: Finding a solution for printing a dia diagram on large format printers

Le 21 avril 2018 19:02:01 GMT+02:00, basaburu <basaburu basatu org> a écrit :

I need to print a planning map several meters long on a large format

The largest format offered in "dia" is an A0

I need to print 1m vertically and horizontally indefinitely

The better to do is to "fit page" in Dia, then export as PDF, then edit the PDF file to fit the 1 meter 
dimension by using tools such as "pdfjam".

Note ipp (lp) options exists too, or options from numerous pdf readers on the shelf which could allow large 
prints. But that would be somewhat manual.

How can I get this?

Is it possible to tell "dia" that the page formatting is like this?

Thank you very much


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