Hi, Dani
 I don't think Dia has any explicit support for creating or managing the structures you want. I think though that you can easily use the Python plugin support to run through the objects and deduce what you need from their positions and size. I have used the UML objects in a similar way to enable me to build acyclic directed graphs, using the association relationship that they support. It seems a very robust and scaleable solution so far.
Sent from my iPhone
> On 8 Feb 2016, at 12:29, Dani Varela <varela21 gmail com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to develop a script that translates a Peirce's logic diagram into a logic formula.
> As a simple introduction: Peirce defines some simple rules to represent a logic statement with simple circles and lines, as we can see in the next image.
> <image.png>
> But in this kind of graphs is very important to know if a circle/area is content or contents some graph.
> Is it possible to create nested graphs in Dia? It is very simple to draw them with the existing tools, but not to know if a graph is nested or not.
> If not, how would you know if a graph is content in another graph? Would you do a script that calculate it by the position and the shape size?
> I honestly need ideas before to start to handle the problem.
> Thank you for your help :)
> D.Varela
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