Re: svg:transform rotate

Am 16.03.2015 um 03:07 schrieb Andrey Repin:
Greetings, Hans Breuer!
But with master you can load the respective SVG and export it as shape to
get the desired effect (see attachement).

I've got around it by using svg:path. However, the "z" command is not executed
correctly, leaving a visual gap in place of the joint.

Gap confirmed with dia-0-97 branch and GDK renderer. One benefit of the big renderer interface change on master is preserving the close information. Formerly only Renderer::fill_bezier() was known to be closed, while Renderer::draw_bezier() was used for closed or open stroking. Now there is Renderer::draw_beziergon() to stroke and/or fill.

> [...]
However, there's another problem with this shape.
1. I can't seem to make it 3x3, even if I add a background r=1.5 circle, the
resulting shape is a little thinner. Is this, perhaps, because ellipse is a
little taller than 3 units?
Good guess, but it works for me with current master and the r=1.5 circle.

2. How can I override the line colors and styles for certain elements of the
Again this works for me with master. Setting shape colors is certainly possible with dia-0-97 as well, but I can confirm the lack of color with the released version and your shape. It is because of a deficiency extracting the color name from the style string. Two workarounds:
 1) use numeric color representation
 2) use stand-alone fill/stroke attributes

3. When double-clicking the shape, I'm unable to set default line thickness.
And it always revert to 10mm on each new Dia start. With whole shape being
~30mm... kind of not the visual I'm aiming for. Is this something that can be
worked around?

With master the kludge would be to get rid of the stroke-width by using a path with hole. For dia-0-97 I dont know a solution as explained in


-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to
get along without it.                -- Dilbert

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