hello dia developers and users,
as you may have read in a previous post, Steffen has died last year.
Steffen maintained dia-installer.de which consists mostly of:
- a windows installer (including dia portable)
- a mac installer
- Debian and openSUSE packages
- dia shapes repository + installer
- documentation
- ...
His wife, Yasemin, told me that she has administration rights for
dia-installer.de (and most probably also access to his source codes).
It would be great (and probably satifying for Yasemin and Steffen's
familiy/friends) if someone could pick up things like the windows/mac
installers (maybe by Windows/Mac experts who also use dia) or other
parts like the shape collections or keep dia-installer.de running or ...
Unfortunately I cannot do this, as I work on Freeplane, Debian and
GTypist already and am running almost exlusively Linux.
The good news is that some of his probjects are available as
official Debian packages:
https://packages.debian.org/sid/dia2code (not from Steffen himself I
Best Regards,
Felix Natter