Re: DIAW-0.97.2-Change part of the TEXT line -color

HI Dennis,

In the present version (I have no idea what is planned for the future) - the text does not work as it would in a word processor - allowing you to highlight individual characters.  

Your best work arounds would be to produce the text you want in a word processor, get an export form of that (like a screen dump) to show in Dia as a picture, or to assemble the text from individual text entities each with the desired attributes - color, font, and so on. you could use the Alignment controls to get that all lined up (with limitations).


On Fri, Dec 12, 2014 at 1:18 PM, Dennis Melenka <Dennis Melenka axia com> wrote:

Hi, I’m a new user to the Dia  program, I was just making a simple drawing which I had inserted text into it. When I had completed the text I would like to highlight (Change the color of the text just one line), when I edit  the properties  it changes all the text. Is it possible just to change part of the text only.


Thank You



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