Re: / Steffen Macke

Hi all,

thanks for the support you are offering. 

I am not so familiar with programming. I have to look for the source codes. I am sure, they must be somewhere. 
Maybe I have to ask a friend to look for it. 

Will you keep the website? I think, I would like to do it. How will it work with the uploads? Maybe I just need some 
explanations to understand completely how your support will be. 


On 05 Jan 2015, at 19:53, Felix Natter <fnatter gmx net> wrote:

Alejandro Imass <aimass yabarana com> writes:

Hi Felix,

hello Alejandro,

Whilst not an expert I can surely get up to speed with the Mac distribution, not the
Windows one though.

Fortunately, Timothy Bogie has replied via private mail that he wants to
take care of dia-windows (not sure if he needs help with the creation of
the win32 binaries though, as he is no programmer).

Let me know if nobody else offers to maintain the Mac installer and I will pick it up.

So far no one else has replied. Thank you very much for your commitment!

I assume that all you need is committed to git? If not, please contact
Yasemin (see Cc:).
Do you want to upload your mac binaries to We could
try to keep this alive.

Cheers and Best Regards,

Alejandro Imass

On Sat, Jan 3, 2015 at 2:00 PM, Felix Natter <fnatter gmx net> wrote:

   hello dia developers and users,

   as you may have read in a previous post, Steffen has died last year.
   Steffen maintained which consists mostly of:
   - a windows installer (including dia portable)
   - a mac installer
   - Debian and openSUSE packages
   - dia shapes repository + installer
   - documentation
   - ...

   His wife, Yasemin, told me that she has administration rights for (and most probably also access to his source codes).

   It would be great (and probably satifying for Yasemin and Steffen's
   familiy/friends) if someone could pick up things like the windows/mac
   installers (maybe by Windows/Mac experts who also use dia) or other
   parts like the shape collections or keep running or ...

   Unfortunately I cannot do this, as I work on Freeplane, Debian and
   GTypist already and am running almost exlusively Linux.

   The good news is that some of his probjects are available as
   official Debian packages: (not from Steffen himself I

   Best Regards,
   Felix Natter
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Felix Natter

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