Group resizing isses (was: crash with my patch...)

Am 23.09.2014 um 05:44 schrieb George Georgalis:
Hi -

I've been happy with my patch to increase size of object handles and
connection points. However, I discovered if I group two objects then grab a
resize handle, the grouping disappears. If I then select all and zoom to
fit, crash.

Probaly two issues:
 - the Group::move_hande() was seriously flawed (transformation is one
   of the new features after 0.97.x). I've just pushed a better
   implementation to master [1]
 - the transformed group was really small so select all had to work on
   a huge diagram. There was an issue with the GDK renderer trying to
   allocate huge internal pixmaps, which than failed [2]. There might
   be other issues like that.

My patch (attached) changes:


I think the crash has something to do with float vs int values, but I
cannot find what made me concerned about that before... is there any
compile switches that will help me detect type mismatch?
Dia is generally build with high warning level. But I seriously doubt the crash has anything to do with float vs. int.

Could the issue be something else?

Yes, certainly. I don't think it has anything to do with your patch.
But you should try yourself by trying to reproduce the crash without
it. Please build Dia with --enable-debug=yes so that you can provide stack traces of your crashes.


[1] [2]

-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to
get along without it.                -- Dilbert

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