Re: Changing styles on selected objects

Hi Dimuitru,
At 18.01.2014 16:05, Dumitru Ursu wrote:
I've run into a into an issue, and I'm not sure whether is a bug or feature:
Works for me as expected with Dia master and dia-0-97, but maybe you are stumbling about it's usability problem.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Open Dia
2. Switch to UML diagrams
3. Add 2 class diagrams on the canvas
3. Change the text color of one of them, from the styles tab
4. Select both diagrams, duble click them
5.  Try to change the color of text. Click "Apply" or "Ok"
You have to really change the color - i.e. touch the widget - even if it is already shown as you want it. This interaction is necessary to differntiate just inconsistent properties shown from the ones the user really wants to change.
6.  The new color is not applied to the diagram with the changed styles.

If you modify the text color of both, neither will change the colors when
trying to do a "mass" color change.
Is this the expected behavior?
If it does not behave like described above you have found a bug I can't reproduce.
I'm running Dia complied from git.
As I said: the behavior is consistent between 0.97 and master for me.

-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to
get along without it.                -- Dilbert

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