Re: Dia 0.97.2 for Windows - moved all objects to different layer. saved - ruined my connections!

At 12.02.2014 11:39, Dmitry Sutyagin wrote:
Hi all,

I had objects and linking lines in the same layer. Then I decided to move
objects to another layer and keep lines where they are. I did this,
checking if this breaks connections - it did not (did not yet save). I
moved every object to another layer and saved. After I reopened my diagram
I found that all connections are broken and almost every line has one end
at 0,0 coordinates. An error pops up saying that connection point blabla
does not exist on blah-blah and that there are some 50 similar messages.
As Andrey said, known issue. More specifically:

How can I fix my diagram without manually reconnecting every line end with
where it is supposed to be?

Unfortunately the code was buggy for save and load. It might be possible to restore some connections by manually putting all the objects back to one layer, i.e. deleting all:

  <dia:layer name="Lines" visible="true">

Please don't delete the first <dia:layer> and the last </dia:layer> because there must be at least one layer in the file.

But remember this is an experiment, it may not work at all.

-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to
get along without it.                -- Dilbert

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