Re: Parametrized Custom Shapes

Hi Martin,

thanks - looks like you're right, but it's not worth it to stay at dia
if that's the case (I fear).
I like dia, but for that type of diagrams I'm probably even going to
write an eclipse plugin.
I think the possibility to define shapes in dia with
1) parameters (like name),
2) many connectors (like on the corners of a triangle)

would be a real great step forwards.

Unfortunately I'm not (yet) a C coder and I have other projects to do,
but if anybody would like to go for it, I'm happy to help with ideas,
tests, sketches and so on.

As a result any diagram type could be typed in a shape sheet and even
the UML stuff could be pulled from static code to dynamic interpretation
of the shape file.


Am 20.09.2013 17:03, schrieb Martin Wichmann:

So: How do I add parameters to custom shapes?
I'm not 100% sure, but I think that these parameters are added as
sourcecode, e.g. for UML usecase in "./objects/UML/usecase.c" [1]. But I
can't tell you how thats done... So maybe it's easier to use normal
shapes, and add the other stuff by hand?!


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