Re: insert a pdf map layer

Dear Hugo,

Dia being a general tool, and one whose features are decided upon by the volunteers that work on it, it won't have features that the worker bee/developers have no particular use for.  Since there is no need to market it to a wider audience, and no one is working with great intent to gain a broader, more profitable market, you have to take an open source approach to getting features you want.

You can propose a new feature, making a case why that feature is desirable; keeping in mind that so far nobody involved in the development of Dia has felt it to be a necessary feature. If you make the case clearly and persuasively it is possible.

Or, given some programming skill on your part, you can write the code to add feature yourself.

Otherwise, you will have to manage as I do, and come up with workarounds using the currently available features.

Welcome to Dia, I hope you enjoy it as much as I have.


On Tue, Sep 24, 2013 at 5:23 PM, hugo borrell <hugoborrell gmail com> wrote:
Thanks Michael, that could be an option, though I was expecting a more specific fonctionnality (like "use pdf as background" or something).

I will try that though, if none other is available.



2013/9/24 Michael Ross <michael e ross gmail com>
I am not clear on what exactly your map.pdf is, but you can export a jpg of pdfs (or make a screen dump).  You could create a layer and on it place the image. Ctrl-L brings up the layer dialog.

On Tue, Sep 24, 2013 at 4:35 PM, hugo borrell <hugoborrell gmail com> wrote:

I'm drawing a plumbing diagram with dia. I wish I could insert a map pdf as a layer to see where pipes are crossing walls, etc.

Is that possible ? How ?



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Michael E. Ross
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A public-opinion poll is no substitute for thought.
Warren Buffet

Michael E. Ross
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