Re: [dia] Align Connected: option missing from Align menu

At 23.05.2013 16:45, Matija Kecman wrote:

Thanks for developing Dia, it's a very useful tool!

I am having an issue where the Align Connected option is not appearing in
the align menu. Help>About says that I am using dia-normal 0.97.2

Given that "Align Connected" is a feature of the current development version this is no surprise to me. See:

I have tried with a minimal example of a uml diagram with 3 classes
connected with association arrows, A to B to C. The classes are initially
not aligned, if I select everything then Objects>Align>Align Connected is
missing, and this also happens when I select A and then use Ctrl+Shift+t
many times to select various connected objects.

Dia's menu items visibility does not depend on the context. AFAICT there is no Align Connected in Dia 0.97.x

Can anyone help with this?

Where did you get the information it should be available with your version?


-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to
get along without it.                -- Dilbert

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