Re: Performance of Dia

Hi Steffen,

I think Nalini is being asked to do research by someone else - we had a short back channel exchange from which I infer this.  She may not be interested in or able to make time for personal investigation of Dia.  Beyond that I will let her speak for herself.

But I think you are correct, someone where she is working needs to look at Dia.

To Nalini,

I am not certain how answer regarding performance, due to not understanding your definition of it.  

Dia is scalable in that you can continue adding graphical elements to it and it does not fail - as far as I have ever been able to tell.  I do not have a good idea how large others have let the Dia grow.  I not sure I know what 1000s means.

If 1000s means thousands, then I suspect you can have multiple thousands of entities according to the performance of the computer hardware; but, I have not counted entities, so I am guessing. Steffen's suggestion makes sense (as they always do).

As a practical matter, I have had to introduce layering of the graphics to manage larger Dia.  I have pasted large Dia in to large Dia and did not notice any difficulty, outside of difficulties when the Dia is much large than a monitor screen.  I have always been able to make a segmented print job, but I tend to create several page sized Dia rather than segment.  The tabbed working environment makes this easy to manage.


On Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 7:00 AM, Steffen Macke <dia diagramr biz> wrote:
Hi Nalini,

On 17.07.2013 22:39, Nalini Karthik wrote:
Can any one tell me how is the performance & scalability of Dia?
For example if I want to generate diagrams with items in the range of more
than 1000s in it.
Instead of waiting for some kind of marketing statement here: Why don't you just try it yourself?
Performance will depend last not least on your hardware (and you didn't tell us which hardware you use)
Performance will also depend on the objects and their connections (the diagram content), whether you
work antialiased or not and many other things.

If you don't have that diagram with "more than 1000s" of objects in it ready,
just a add some object to your diagram and repeat the following steps:

* Select all
* Copy
* Paste

You'll soon reach thousands of objects. And you'll be able to judge if the performance meets your requirements.

Also how would be the look & feel? Does it arrange itself neatly?
In most cases, Dia will not alter your diagrams, unless you tell it to do so.
It provides a number of alignment options that you could use to "arrange itself neatly":

Is it easy & possible to extend its feature to import/export XML file?
Dia's native format is an XML format.
Dia is open source and can be extended in any way you wish. E.g. using XSLT, Python or C.


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