Re: objects not deleting - osx 10.8.3

At 17.04.2013 18:44, Bethany Hudnutt wrote:

Description of problem:
I installed Dia and xquartz yesterday on my mac and am not able to delete objects.

To repro:
Open dia
Select rectangle tool
Draw a rectangle on the diagram
Select the rectangle using the select tool
Press delete OR edit->  delete

How do you press Delete on a Mac? Mine only has a Backspace key.
Strange thing is that Edit/Delete menu entry does not work either,
but at least I can confirm Dia behaves as you describe. Might be some strange logic not allowing actions to be performed, if they are bound to a key not available.

Object does not delete

Workaround is simple: use Edit/Cut to remove objects.

Expected behavior:
Object is deleted

Agreed. Would deserve a bug report i bugzilla to fixed before next release.


-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to
get along without it.                -- Dilbert

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