Download it, install it, use it, contribute to its growth and progress.
You might get some benefit from telling your customer that it is not necessary to buy Dia.
They might prefer to come back to you for other products.
Whereas, if they discover, after paying for DIa, that is was free, they might never return to you for other business.
On Fri, Oct 12, 2012 at 5:58 AM, Toffolon, Fabien
<Fabien Toffolon comsoft fr> wrote:
We are reseller in France of windows software.
Our web site is :
One of my customers wants to buy:
DIA “Comptabilité” (It is necessary to plan the possibility of realization of footbridges of the software THALIA (Gestion Commerciale) towards
financial department )
Put this question to yourself: should I use everyone else to attain happiness, or should I help others gain happiness?
Dalai Lama
To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk.
A public-opinion poll is no substitute for thought.
Warren Buffet
Michael E. Ross
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