Re: [long+short] autorouting patch status?

At 10.11.2012 01:54, Enrique Filiage wrote:
What about use autorouting techniques used by graphviz package??

Graphviz and other layout libraries/tools like OGDF only deal with simple shapes. To integrate the layout algorithms with Dia the releation to Dia's objects must be preserved somehow. Also the layouting has to be connected to Dia's undo system. This is what the new layout plug-in does.

It would certainly be possible to implement a backend based on graphviz technology, either it's command line tools or maybe it's libraries. But someone would have to give it a try.

Graphs can be exported as plain format, so a Dia plugin can easily handle
this file format...

In fact such a plug-in already exisits in the Dia distribution for years [1]. But that does not solve the issues mentioned above.

Patches accepted.



-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to
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