Re: Hans? Can you review this? Re: Dia freeze up

At 30.10.2012 23:42, Michael Ross wrote:
Add in comments below.  Thanks, Hans.

On Tue, Oct 30, 2012 at 4:35 PM, Hans Breuer<hans breuer org>  wrote:

Michael et al.,
sorry for top-posting, but here is a brief summary:

  - in my experiments I only had freezes (endless loop) with
    the cairo renderer, so a diagram to reproduce would help

What is the preferred way to send a diagram?

If it is small enough you could just attach it in your mail. Better would be a bug report and attaching it there after also describing the problem and steps to reproduce.

  - I don't understand what 'process tree' you are killing

In the windows task manager you can see the (frozen) process, and right
click it to "kill the process tree," and make the dead window go away and .

Kill process should do the trick as well - but both are not deleting the log file according to my tests.

  - there is no mechanism in standard Dia deleting the log file

Yet it disappeared after the tree was killed.


  - the log file name is 'dia--0.97.2.log' (just typos in your
    message and may be hidden extensions in explorer?)

Probably hidden extension

A look at that complete log file might reveal addtional issues.

  - there indeed is a bug in Dia 0.97 with rounded polyline
    drawing; fixed on master if anybody wants to backport [2]

Now you are talking a language I don't understand.  backport must be

No mentioning of Unix on Wikipedia: ;-)

  - only workaround for 0.97.x is avoidance of rounded polylines
    or their arc degeneration

I notice that sometimes the zigzag line degenerates to a polyline (loses
its orthogonality at a corner) when you delete segments or something.  A
seemingly random occurrence.  I just delete the zz line and start it anew
when that happens.

It would be intersting to have a file with such a degenerated zigzagline.
The effect described and fixed should be of intermittent nature, just in the display. If it would persists saving and loading their might be another bug involved.

Half joking... The other problem is that when I save a lot it doesn't
happen, so it is hard to troubleshoot.
Is there a significant change in the UNDO system or something when a save
is initiated that might prevent freeze ups?

Not that I know of.

Maybe this is a secret training program to get me to regularly save?

Does it help? ;)


-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to
get along without it.                -- Dilbert

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