Re: How do I use dia.message() to indicate different messages?

An update -

I just pulled the Dia code from the git repo and built it on my Linux box, and this issue seems to have been fixed in trunk.


On Nov 1, 2012, at 2:09 PM, Dan Katz <dpkatz bc gmail com> wrote:

Hi -

Whenever I try to use dia.message() in a python plug-in, it seems to 'latch' on the first message.

I've installed the following two python scripts into the .dia/python directory and then started up Dia 0.97.2:
import dia

def hello_callback(data, flags):
    dia.message(2, "Hello, World")

dia.register_callback("Hello World", "<Display>/Tools/Hello", hello_callback)

import dia

def goodbye_callback(data, flags):
    dia.message(1, "Goodbye, Cruel World")

    "Goodbye World", "<Display>/Tools/Goodbye", goodbye_callback)

When I start up Dia, the two commands show up in the Tools directory.  So far, so good.

If I run the 'Hello World' command I see the expected message "Hello, World" pop up in a box.  
But if I then dismiss the "Hello World" message box (by hitting the Close button) and run the "Goodbye World"
command, I see a box which says "Hello, World" and some additional things:  "There is one similar message." 
and a pair of checkboxes ("Show repeated messages" and "Don't show this message again." in addition to 
the expected Close button.  Not the "Goodbye, Cruel World" message I was expecting.

If I restart Dia and run the commands in the reverse order, it's the "Goodbye, Cruel World" message that gets "latched" and displays even if I run the "Hello World" command.

I see this behavior on both Windows7 (with Python 2.3.5) and Linux (with Python 2.7.3), so I'm guessing that it's not an OS-specific or python-version-specific thing.

Am I missing something in how dia.message() works?  (Some kind of 'flush' or 'reset'?)  How do I pop up different messages?



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