Re: Dia to SQL conversion


DÅa Thu, 10 May 2012 21:08:33 +0200 Steffen Macke <dia diagramr biz>

sorry for the late reply.

no problem ;-)

able find way to create FOREIGN KEY constraint for my relations. My
expectation is, that this will be created from UML associations (which
i take from rt53783.dia example.
I just tested

parsediasql --file long_fk_name.dia --db sqlite3

successfully (Parse-Dia-Sql version 0.20).

the same version here

So I guess it's just a matter of using the UML association a little bit 

Perhaps i wrote my previous mail in wrong manner, i am sorry, my english
is poor.

The parsediasql produces the triggers for foreign keys in sqlite3 for me,
but i expect the constraint definition, for example:

CREATE TABLE table_name(
  some_id    INTEGER, 
  some_other INTEGER,
  FOREIGN KEY(some_other) REFERENCES another_table(another_id)

or the same by other way:

CREATE TABLE table_name(
  some_id    INTEGER, 
  some_other REFERENCES another_table(another_id)

as described here

I tried parse my SQL model to some other DB types - i forgot which,
because i did many tries in last days :-) And for these not SQLite3 types
i got SQL with direct foreign keys definitions (without triggers). Then IMO
the SQLite sopport for foreign keys in parsediasql is poor (outdated?). I
do not tried if this triggers are working yet, but i think that it will
be working. I see only one problem, that the constraints definition is more
readable and straightforward, than triggers definition. And more short :-)


s pozdravom


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