Re: Dia locks up a lot recently,ideas?

At 28.06.2012 23:19, Michael Ross wrote:
Just happened again in the same situation:

Picked zigzag line from palette placed next to a box, then the 4 arrow move
cursor  comes up and Dia puts up the (not responding) message in the title
bar.  It is stuck now with Win 7 circling arrow/busy signal showing.

If you are using the keyboard in parallel this could be a variation of

  I think I will try some voodoo - maybe uninstall and reinstall.

AFAIK the uninstall does not remove $(HOME)/.dia. So if the issue at hand would be related to some saved state of Dia reinstallation wont fix it.

But the basic question is: what did change recently now producing the lock up. If you only recently switched to Dia 0.97.2 the culprit might be the GTK+ update (2.24.10) in the installer. For Dia 0.97.1 installer used 2.18.5. Of course this is just speculation, at least I can not reproduce any lock up.

-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to
get along without it.                -- Dilbert

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