Re: Poor quality when export a file to picture

If you want to be able to zoom without quality loss, use vector graphics such as eps or pdf.

Ale Strooisma

On 01/24/2012 07:08 PM, W. Martin Borgert wrote:
Quoting "Marco AntÃnio Moraes" <marco moraes live com>:
Hi, I rode a somewhat complex ER and when I export to an image file, the image is exported to a poor quality. I tried several extensions, but the result is the same. Even I tried to export the Linux and Windows and the result is the same poor quality. When the image zooms, it is not possible to read the content.

With "image file" you mean probably a pixel graphic, such
as PNG and friends, right? Try this at the command line:

$ dia -e outputfile.png -t png -s 2222 inputfile.dia

The "2222" is the width in pixel of the resulting image.
Adjust this value to your needs. Higher = better quality.


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