making objects


I have been trying for almost four hours to log onto the gnome site?  It just doesn't make sense?

I assume without it I will not get a reply from this site?

If I am wrong then the gnome site makes even less sense?

I am looking for a good program to design and print circuit diagrams, of the ones I have tried yours is the best.

I have built a small circuit by moving objects into the box at the left of the screen with the /file/sheets and objects box and using them on screen.

I would like to add objects that are not on any list. Starting with one that is a coil like the coil ' relay shape ' in circuits and then use single two way switches controlled by it (I have four  two way contacts on my relays) seperately placed around the coil.

I can make these on the Dia page and export them to the file (I have exported them to the circuits directory). When I look for them with my windows explorer it has made two files as it says it will but when I open /file/sheets and objects the object is not there? Even after I shut the program down and restart it as advised.

I have opened a new sheet in the sheets and objects box and moved the objects into there. It shows the sheet in the sheets and objects box but it has not saved as a directory anywhere on my computer (using windows search)?

Am I getting the sheets from somewhere else because they don't tally with the list in the /dia/shapes directory?

Where do I save (or export) the diagrams to so I can use them as objects?




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