Behavior Trees export to json format.

I created a little python plug in for dia that will export the drawn behavior tree in a json format...
Note that this is created for game ai. But in the end you get a powerful json file. So you may wand to use it for some thing else

here it is


import sys, dia

class BTJSON :
def __init__ (self) :
def begin_render (self, data, filename) :
self.f = open(filename, "w")
self.f.write ('{')
o = data.layers[0].objects[0]
self.f.write(['text'].value.text.replace("\n", " "))
self.f.write ('}')
def end_render (self) :
def write_children (self, o) :
children = []
left = []
have_children = 0
got_children = 0
children_count = 0
connections_count = 0
for c in o.connections :
if (len(c.connected) < 1) :
for co in c.connected :
if (co.handles[0].connected_to.object == o) :
children_count += 1
left.append (co.handles[1].connected_to.object.bounding_box.left)
for c in o.connections :
if (len (c.connected) < 1) :
for co in c.connected :
if (co.handles[0].connected_to.object == o) :
for i in range(len(left)) :
if (left[i] == co.handles[1].connected_to.object.bounding_box.left) :
children[i] = co.handles[1].connected_to.object
if (len (children) > 0) :
self.f.write (',children: [')
for i in range (len(children)) :
self.f.write ('{')
self.f.write(children[i].properties['text'].value.text.replace("\n", " "))
self.write_children (children[i])
if (i < len(children)-1) :
self.f.write ('},')
else :
self.f.write ('}]')
return children
# dia-python keeps a reference to the renderer class and uses it on demand
dia.register_export ("Behaviour Tree Json", "json", BTJSON())


I hope that spaces will remain in the email format....
It export some thing like this :

{type: 'Selector',children: [{type: 'Limit',
duration: 10,children: [{type: 'MoveTo',
position: [0.0,0.0]}]},{type: 'Parallel',children: [{type: 'Wait',
duration: 15,children: [{type: 'Fatality',
gore: true}]},{type: 'Action1'},{type: 'action2'}]},{type: 'Action',
duration: 5}]}

This was exported from a simple diagram that looks like a behavior tree. 
As you can see from the source the script starts from the first object of the first layer and solves in a way the tree.
It writes the text of the rectangle and checks for children and creates an array with the childrens.
childrens are other connected rectangles with text. Then childrens will write their text and will check for childrens and ...

So you write the text-code that you want in you json in the rectangle 
I will present the rectangles like this 
/        /

I write what I wand in the rectangle like this
         /     type: 'Wait',     /
        /    duration: 10      /

I use type to identify the Task. But in general you can write anything
then I pass all the properties I wand in a json style.
So a Behavior tree will look like this.
                          / type: 'Selector', /
                           |                |
              /---------------/         /-----------------/ 
             / type: 'Limit'  /         /  type: 'Reload' /
             / duration: 5  /           /----------------/
            / type: 'Shoot',     /

And you will get this :
{type: 'Selector',children: [{type: 'Limit',
duration: 5,children: [{type: 'Shoot'}]},{type: 'Reload'}]}

Limitations: I haven't tested very much but the limitations are.
1. It will start from the first object of the first layer. So Don't ever delete the first object just change the text to suits your needs.
2. You can only export vertical trees. Like the example. Because the script checks the left bounding box edge of the rectangles to set the children order.

That's all. It is just a script that I created to use, and I don't mind to share.

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