Re: organization, workflow

Hi yac,

Am 04/12/2012 08:50 PM, schrieb yac:
*   How do you organize diagrams in such a project?
I think you're in the best position to organize this. You're doing the work and you should feel comfortable with it.
*   How do I orientate in the files? Would enabling window title bars
help, is there other way? or will this go away once I get the grip?
I've never working without window title bars. Is your screen so small that you have to get rid of them?
If that's the case: How about getting a bigger/additional screen?
*   Is it possible to have nested layers?
What's your problem with "just" having layers? Do you use the "Search" function already? In complex contexts, I often prefer search over navigational structures (like layers or file system trees)
I tried storing the files ungzipped in git for like a week but it's a
mess and grows quickly and diffs arent very helpfull. Storing them just
in binary would also grow quickly on frequent commits.
What's your current data size and weekly growth? What's the disk space you have available? Unless you're exceeding your available disk space within your project period (or the next time you're going to upgrade your hardware), there's no need to worry (add a little bit of safety margin, if you want to be on the safe side...) I've successfully storedgigabytes of binary data in subversion (which is basically the same as git) without any problems. And that was several years ago.
*   How do you manage versioning, backuping and sharing?
s. above I would go for git. If there's a problem, could you describe it in detail?
*   Did you actually try using git for longer time? with what results?
What's your point here? Are you worried about git's reliability? You shouldn't.
But of course, git is NOT a substitute for backups.
In case you're replicating your git repository frequently to several machines and you ignore that risk that all these machines are compromised at the same time (e.g. by an attacker or virus), a weekly backup could be sufficient. But of course, if your time frame is very tight and you have to avoid the risk of a
one week data loss at all cost, you'll need more frequent backups...



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