Re: Dia daigram software

On Thu, 13 Oct 2011 01:00:54 -0700, Maxie Botes (MJ) <BotesMJ telkom co za> wrote:

Thank you for the wonderful products.

Think of it not as a "product" but more a "project".

These products are free right?

Not only free in terms of cost, but also "free" in terms of freedom (think "free speech").

Not only you are allowed to use it freely, but also you are free to change it to your needs and to improve it yourself and publish your changes back. See the General Public License for licensing terms.

I have always wondered how your
funding works, do you solely fund the programs on donations and adds?

At least the original source code has no ads. Other pieces may, though.

It is community-developed. Just as I voluntarily took the time to answer you even though I could simply let your message go by, others take the time to actually improve the code, changing things here and there. All of them just want to have a better program. That's why contributions from everyone are important.

Others take an opportunity to help. For example, a student that has to do some programming-related homework, instead of creating something that will be eternally forgotten anyway, he takes a "free software" project (free as in speech) and improves it.

So, basically there is a "community". ;-)

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