Managing layers

Good evening,
Happily, I found another file with a "~" where the objects I had designed had been saved. Well made.
But in case you would have some time, I have 2 other questions:
1. Is it possible that an object/item created in a secondary layer does not appear at all in the main layer (not even with the "eye" click), knowing it may damp the "layer effect" you describe in the "help book" ?
2. Almost the same question for a "view": does it necessarily reproduce the same objets/items as the main view ?
Thanks a lot.
MH Hurt
----- Original Message -----
From: MarcH
Sent: Monday, March 07, 2011 6:00 PM
Subject: Layer restoration

Good afternoon,
It seems I deleted my schema by deleting a layer. How can I restore it ?
Thanks in advance for your reply.
Sincerely yours.
MH Hurt

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