Re: Changing page setup for new dia(gram)s


I am happy to make a template - can I get Dia to call it when I hit the New?

I have saved my start up Dia all over the place as Diagram1.dia, but it never gets used  - or at least the Page Setup doesn't travel with it.  Perhaps I have to give it a special name or extension, as well as find the correct location?



On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 5:06 PM, Hans Breuer <hans breuer org> wrote:
At 16.06.2011 07:14, Michael Ross wrote:
I have settled on a page setup preference of 0.5in margins all around and a
scale of 38%.  So every Dia I make I have to change this, because I can't
figure out how to make it a default for new Dia(gram)s.

Is there some way to make these settings stick?

Not without changing the source. I'm still undecided though if this should be just an extension to the page setup dialog.
Or if some broader approach like using a template diagram for File/New would be more appropriate.


-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
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