Re: making a custom installer

Hi Paul,

On 01/14/2011 07:55 PM, paul hermeneutic gmail com wrote:
What is the chance that the installer could optionally use a
configuration file?  The configuration file would specify which shapes
to install.  It could be edited to include local, custom shapes.
A simple patch file should do the job. Alternatively: NSIS allows you
to include other files.
There should also be a way to generate the configuration file from the
program.  This would allow one to install shapes and configure until
The installer source is such a configuration file.
Another way would be to reference shapes on a network location and not
install them on local media.  Centralized management would then be
able to control what shapes are available.
Just create the necessary links to your sheets and shapes folders referencing
your network shares.
A silent installer is needed anyway.
Have you tried the /s commandline option? That should give you a silent install.
The NSIS documentation contains the details.



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