Issues & requests - Line Width


The following issues/requests are as of Dia 0.97.1:  

Line Width dialog always uses units of cm, but should follow File > 
Preferences > User Interface > "Length unit" if possible

Line Width dialog should show the unit (e.g., "cm" or "inch") even 
if the unit is always fixed to cm.  

Line Width dialog should allow 3 decimal places

Double-clicking Line Width picker (to open the Line Width dialog) 
doesn't preserve previously selected width, but it should.  

Line Width dialog should have a copy of the graphical picker so the 
user doesn't have to cancel the dialog in order to select a line 
width graphically in case the user double-clicks by mistake instead 
of single-clicking, and just for general convenience (so a new user 
can quickly find out the relationship between the picker and the 
numerical values of line width).  

If the user has selected a custom line width, then the Line Width 
picker should show a vertical dashed line between the 2 closest 
default line widths to indicate what range the user's selection is 
in.  (A selection thinner than the thinnest default would show a 
dashed line to the left of the thinnest default, and a selection 
thicker than the thickest default would show a dashed line to the 
right of the thickest default.)  

Line Width dialog should be called "Default Line Width" to clarify 
that, if a shape is selected when this dialog is invoked, changing 
the value in this dialog will not change the line width of the 

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