
Hi Steffen,

I tried to reproduce same problem with Dia on virtualized Ubuntu
10.04.1 (i386) under VirtualBox. Dia v0.97.1 has same problem with
filenames with localized charactes on Ubuntu Linux as on FreeBSD.

The steps to reproduce:

1) Installing Ubuntu with Czech environment and czech localization.
2) Updating Ubuntu
3) $ sudo locale-gen cs_CZ
4) $ sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales
5) To file "/etc/environment" insert line with: export LANG=cs_CZ.ISO-8859-2
6) Change whole content of file "/etc/default/locale" to: LANG="cs_CZ.ISO-8859-2"
7) Restart Ubuntu
8) Installing Dia 0.97.1
9) Open terminal and write to it:
     $ export G_FILENAME_ENCODING= locale
     $ dia &

10) Create diagram in Dia and save under filename with localized
characters, which are on keyboard row with numbers
11) Exit Dia
12) From same terminal run: $ dia -t eps filename.dia --> got error
about missing input

Best regards,

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