Re: Exporting Dia-v0.97 --> LaTeX (e.g. pstricks || tikz): Label text conversion

At 01.10.2010 15:20, GÃkhan BAÅ wrote:
I have recently downloaded the Dia-v0.97 win32 and draw a picture with
Labels, and exported it into the pstricks code by using the export at
File --> Export command.
However, all labels are considered as compiled-latex code. That is, at
the Dia side, my label seems to be '$\ddot{x}$' though i have pstricks
converted file something like that: '\$\backslash{}ddot\{x\}'.
The Dia export filter (pgf, pstricks) intentionally escapes to not produce invalid output. The pass-through mode you are requesting is dropped for reasons discussed multiple times on this list, e.g.

How can I convice Dia to treat my labels as a un-compiled Latex code?
Use the source ;)

-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to
get along without it.                -- Dilbert

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