Re: Help regarding re-editing in DIA

Hi Hina,

The problem I am facing right now is when I save a Dia File (in
.dia format), and when I reopen it, I am not able to edit it
again.. I have also seen the FAQs on the site but none really

This sounds really strange. Answering the following questions might
make it easier to help you:

* Which operating system do you use?
* Which Dia version do you use?
* From where did you get your version of Dia?
* Have you used other software to check that the location where you're saving
your file(s) is not "write once"
* Please double check that you're actually saving your Dia files in
Dia format and not
export them in another format. I know this sounds silly, but it has
happened before.
* You say that you cannot "edit" the files afterwards. Can you open them?
* When saving, try to save your files without compression. There are some older
Windows versions of Dia around that have problems opening compressed Dia files.

If the problem persists, could you send me a sample file for
investigation (please don't send it
to the list)



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