Re: Cisco Dia Icons

On 8/07/2010 4:04 AM, Steffen Macke wrote:
Hi James,
I would really like to see an update of the Cisco shapes.
Unfortunately, I don't have Ian's scripts available - have you
contacted him directly?
If not, the conversion shouldn't be too much of a problem as Cisco
provides SVG files. Good luck. If there are problems, please let us

Just today I was looking at the currently available Icon's and the ASA55xx icon is available as "Security Appliance".

No I haven't been able to find his contact details and the web addressess that they (the cisco icon set) used are 404ing.

When I get some more time (after renovation is finished and I'm not building/painting at all hours) I will revisit svg2shape.xslt which is the only convert script I'm aware of and see if I can tame it.

On 7/6/10, GMAIL - James McDonald<james jamesmcdonald id au>  wrote:
I use the Cisco Shapes frequently but notice that it's been a while
since the shapes were updated. So I am missing the Cisco ASA 5500 shape
i would like.

I notice that the original conversion was done by Ian Redfern (Thanks
Ian) as mentioned at

I was wondering how the original translation was done and if the tools
are still available to do an update?

This page has a downloads for icons in svg and other formats

So I am wondering what would be required to get the Cisco Icon set
updated. With some pointers I will have a stab at it.

James McDonald

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