complex svg workaround

Hi all,

I've been using Dia for some time and I'm really happy with it, great work guys. Recently I needed my 
diagrams to look a little more modern to compete with visio so I created a few svg's. They ended up being too 
complex for Dia to handle so I switched to using the image object. The output was ok but having to always 
insert the images got tiresome, so I exported my image object to a shape - but then it didn't have any 

In the end I've come up with a script to generate my shapes directly from the image file. I add the shapes to 
a custom sheet, create my diagram then export as an image to use wherever. There is a major limitation which 
is that the Dia diagram is not portable but it works for my needs.

Please let me know if there's a better way to do this, otherwise feel free to use the attached script ( 
requires ImageMagick )



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Attachment: svg2shape.tar.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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