Re: Generating a Dia File

Hi Steffen,

The programs to which you referred look like they might be just what I need. It's amazing that none of them came up in Google searches for DAG drawing software. Thanks for your advice!


On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 4:06 PM, Steffen Macke <sdteffen gmail com> wrote:
Hi David,

On 08/11/2010 10:26 PM, David Ferry wrote:
> on a single node. Are there limitatis on how many objects can be present
> in a single diagram?
Nothing in computing is unlimited. But you should be able to handle
thousands of objects.
I don't expect that you'll hit a hard limit, but things will get slow
and you'll have problems obtaining a meaningful diagram layout.
> Are there any sections of the source that might aid me in doing this? Would
> it be difficult to re purpose the code for saving a diagram to accept a
> different source of input?
Which programming language do you use? Besides the Dia C sources,
there's a couple of other programs available that are capable of
producing Dia files:

Maybe one of them matches your needs.
As you seem to be dealing with a fairly huge number of objects: Have you
thought about a program like GraphViz that specializes on the automatic
layout. Graphviz is able to output Dia files.



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