Re: Bug 611078 - SVG export ignores diagram scale parameter

At 28.07.2010 01:33, timothy b wrote:
With reference to bug 611078,,
is this patch going to be incorporated into the next release or does it need to
be tested first?

It certainly needs to be tested before being incorporated in the next release. After a quick look it even needs to be modified before it can go in. The message_warning() may be useful for testing, if the right svg filter is used, but it does not belong into the production version.

But more seriously the direct use of g_snprintf() for floating point numbers is not correct. Please note the use of g_ascii_formatd() everywhere else in the file.

BTW: my minimal test would be the round-trip through the svg filter, i.e. exporting and importing e.g. render-test shall not deviate more form the original than it already does.


-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to
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