Re: [UI] Sheets and Objects dialog

At 23.07.2010 00:09, demurgets free fr wrote:
Quoting Hans Breuer<hans breuer org>:
Still, my point is: do you really need to create multiple custom sheets (100%
custom or derived from system sheets)? This is nice, but are there any users
really exploiting this?

Apparently there are at least two :)

This involves a lot of code, including a startup warning dialog if the
< system
sheet is newer and if you want to overwrite your local customizations.
To me this code complexity appears to be necessary, if the use case is
considered usefull.
That's exactly my point: you're the maintainer, so it's up to you to choose. Do
you think this is a real use case?

Yes, I think so. And I tried to explain it in my earlier mail.

My proposal is to replace the dialog by a simpler, "Favorites" where one would
only have one sheet on the left : "Favorites".

To me the whole Sheets & Objects dialog appears to be overkill for a simple, single Favorites target sheet. Wouldn't just a bookmark menu entry for objects be enough?

I'd go for that:
1) a GtkToolPalette with a default sheet set as of today (Assorted, UML,
Flowchart), with a button to customize the Sheets displayed.
Sounds interesting, but might end up less convenient than what we have today, at least for people often switching between lots of sheets.

Also the use of GtkToolPalette would force us to bump the required Gtk+ version to the most recent one. I'd like to keep Dia running with older Gtk+ versions as long as feasible.

2) the palette would always contain an empty "Favorites" section, closed by
default, with a hint saying to go to the "Favorites" dialog or right-click add
or drag and drop an item in the section for fast access.
3) the actual sheets customization dialog would only have the Favorites on the
left to simplify it. It would be the equivalent of drag and dropping but easier
to discover and use with the keyboard.
4) This dialog could also feature something to download/install additional
shapes set, from for instance.

See attached (awful) mockups to make for an easier explanation.

The basis of your mockups is already an outdated version of the Sheets&Object dialog (git master has a different button distribution).

If you are doing patches, please create them against git master.

I'd like to improbe the UI in light of removing deprecated widgets.

This should be basically the replacment of GtkOptionMenu with GtkComboBox.
sorry, I meant: removing deprecated widgets is a good opportunity to improve the
UI more deeply while we are at it.

Still I prefer manageable steps :) If for example we could not agree on the final appearance for "Favorites" wouldn't it be nice to at least get rid of the deprecated widgets on the way?

If I'm not mistaken, customizing system sheets should be ruled-out, even if
are a lot of items.
I dont follow (although I'm only using it to shake out bugs;)).
I really hope you've understood me by now :)

In this specific point my understanding did not change. The ability to customize system sheets and to create new sheets are IMO useful features we should not throw away.

Creating custom sheets is nice, but you need to write shape files.

Not really. You can just create them by the shape exporter. (Some XML
editing is still necessary to create good shapes.)
Ho, I did not know about this feature: is this File>  Export as .shape file?


Still, this can be an option to import in the "Favorites" section. Anyway, a
user can create a whole new sheet by editing XML files anyway.
A user can also create a Favorites sheets by editing XML files, but that's not the point ...

The whole purpose of the Favorites is optimizing the workflow for most of the

But improving one workflow should be possible without completely loosing other ones.

Wouldn't it make it simpler to have:
        - some sort of bookmarks (a la Firefox) lying in this dialog first *and*
accessible from a popup in the palette directly to quickly bookmark an item
        - the bookmarks go in a unique "Custom" sheet (ideally always visible)
        - when you have 1+ bookmark, you automatically get this "Custom" sheet

Looks like a useful feature in itself, but I don't see this as necessarily
coupled with the Sheets&Objects dialog. Although sooner or later the user
might have more bookmarks than viable for a flat structure (one sheet).
Mhh ... I thought a bit about that, and I do not see a reason to structure more
using 2 or more custom sheets.
Here is our fundamental disagreement. It solely depends on the number of different sheets and objects (aka diagram types) you are using.

I'd prefer not making the current sheets handling more complex by layering a
"Favorites" on top of it, but replacing it instead.

I think your favorites idea could well be completely independent of the Sheets&Objects dialog.

Talking with users in LUGs, almost nobody noticed this dialog until I talk about

Yes, it is addressing advanced users.

I do not want to rush in contributing stuff in C that's going to be frowned upon
as soon as I have proposed a patch: I'd better discuss it before :)

Fair enough.

If you do not like this proposal because it's making the system not flexible
enough, I can understand, and I'll try to proceed with just porting the comboboxes

That would be appreciated.

For the GtkCombobox port, I'll certainly present things differently since the
tooltip support is not really up to par vs. GtkOptionMenu.

I never noticed, but looking at
it should not be too difficult to overcome that limitation nowadays.


-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to
get along without it.                -- Dilbert

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