Re: Invoking Dia from Emacs

On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 2:59 AM, David McClanahan
<david mcclanahan gmail com> wrote:

I'm using Dia 0.96 that came on Debian Lenny. I'm trying to embed
bookmarks(aka a link) into an Emacs document such that I can easily pull up
diagrams in Dia. The problem is I get an new instance of Dia everytime I
fire off a bookmark(link). I noticed that I could drag and drop a file from
file manager to Dia and that'd work ok(no new Dia running). My question then
is does someone know if there is a shell command etc that in essence would
mimic drag & dropping a file to Dia?

I don't think you can write a script to fix this. As far as I can see,
this is a limitation in Dia, that if an instance is already running,
it won't be reused when you invoke dia on a new file. The same thing
happens if you double click on a file in your file browser or if you
fire dia from the command line with a filename as an argument. With
drag and drop, the difference is that the existing instance of Dia is
directly told to open the selected file.


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