Colour Gradients

Dia is a great piece of software - thanks to everyone for the enormous
amount of work that's gone into it!

I can't work out a way of doing colour gradients in Dia - I'm able to do
areas of solid colour but can't work out a way of doing areas which are a
gradient from one colour to another (e.g. white to grey).

The only work-around I've been able to find is to do the area of colour
gradient as a bitmap in GNU Image Manipulation Program then use the bitmap
in a Dia diagram. I've looked through the recent dia-list Archives but not
found a solution there.

I noticed that the "PC Video" shape on the "Cisco - Computer" sheet has a
sort of colour gradient as part of it which seems ot work fairly well
(although this gradient doesn't scale up so well).

If there is a solution I'm very happy to help develop it and document it
for others.

Many thanks,


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