Re: dia uml hsm statechart shape

At 13.05.2009 09:50, Matyas Forstner wrote:
Hi dia-team,

here is a patch that adds a new shape to the UML sheet: this is the
HSM State usable to draw the states of a hierarchical state machine.
Please let me know whether you can use it.

Finally I got around to look at your patch and it is (almost;)) included.
The one thing which stoppedme is some code you added by I don't understand,
namely everything which is in
        if (hsms->redraw_parent) {}
What problem is it supposed to solve, or better: why don't you just update the bounding box in *_update_data() as in other shape implementations?


-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to
get along without it.                -- Dilbert

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